Find Lucky Number 7 based on Name Numerology Calculator

Find Lucky Number 7 based on Name Numerology Calculator

The number of the name 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the realm of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results already achieved and on the actual planning of their future. Understanding other people, they often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decide to do commercial or financial affairs, here they themselves will need outside help. People with this Number Name are hermits by nature. They seek to hide from the bustle of the world, in order to retire in solitude about lofty objects. Such people are filled with their own dignity, restrained and serious, they have a good control over themselves and cannot tolerate tomfoolery and frivolity. Money and material comforts do not interest them. These people have a powerful, perceptive mind, but they are not devoid of reverie and are endowed with a rich imagination, sometimes generating very bizarre and strange fantasies.

How To Calculate Name Number?

  • Write your full name and match each alphabet with the corresponding numerical value given in the chart below.
  • Now add each number and find out the total value.
  • If the total value has more than one digit then add these digits furthermore until you get a single digit.
  • The only exceptions are 11 and 22 as these are considered the Master Numbers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  

Example To Identify Your Number

If your name is Ram Singh, it decodes to 9+1+4 1+9+5+7+8

=44 =4+4


Your number is 8

Number 7

Considered a lucky number, the numerology number 7 helps people tap into their intuition and inner self. This number stands for reputation, analysis, and practicality.

Name Number 7 - Knowledge and Secrecy

You have an analytical mind and unlimited desire to search for answers to the hidden mysteries of life. You have an interest in science, philosophy and even mysticism. You have clarity of thought and perseverance in the search for truth. Could become a scientist, teacher and philosopher. You are driven by the pursuit of knowledge and justice. You should learn to draw the line between the illusory world and reality, you are well-equipped to perform these tasks. A sharp mind helps you to comprehend the secrets of life. You are the source of true light. Sometimes you know where the inner peace place is located, where you can go back in difficult times. You need time to become yourself. Too intense communication causes you to stress. There is a need for a calm personal life and a place where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of life. Usually you are secretive and keep your thoughts to yourself. If your seven is not balanced by the qualities of an extrovert (usually expressed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your self-immersion can take you deeply and thus cut off from the outside world. You have a strong dislike for the superficial and mundane. You often wonder how others, such serious people as you, cannot comprehend the depths of knowledge.

Name Number 7 - Analytical Mind and Pedantry

You can be discreet and alienated. If the dark forces of the personality dominate, you are dishonest and cruel. Contemplation and meditation, the soft, subtle vibrations of life will retain your sense of harmony and guide you along the path of peace and balance. You have logic. The analytical mind allows you to solve problems in a special, surgical way. A researcher, analyst, inventor, laboratory technician, teacher, lawyer, banker, watchmaker, priest, philosopher, theologian and administrator - this is an incomplete list of professions suitable for you. Love to learn, pedantic. It is better to complete education in your youth and not worry too much about success. Let everything happen by itself, but remember that achievements and awards come from a higher source. This causes your critical attitude towards people and even cynicism. The further you move away from others, the more secretive your actions. If you want to develop an understanding of life, your advice and suggestions will be noticed by others who need your wisdom.


Numerology Number 7 natives love to work alone in a systematic and organised manner. So, these natives will perform well in the technical and scientific fields, or as writers, philosophers, ascetics, and alchemists.

These natives also possess fine intuitive abilities and therefore, they make goos psychics, astrologers, researchers, and social workers.

Love Compatibility

It is difficult to get a hold of Numerology Number 7 partners and they might take time to settle down. But once you get them hooked, they will make the most loving and loyal partners. They mesh well with someone who matches their intellect and can have a good conversation with them. These natives are introverts, so they prefer partners who are introverts too so they can spend time together far from the hustle and bustle of the world. They also love their freedom and space, so their partner must respect this too.

These natives are most compatible with number 3 or 5.


The 7 name number person has very strong psychic tendencies and are natural healers with a core of inner-strength. They are known to be quick-witted, sometimes with a dry sense of humour.

The number 7 name vibration represents a special function of human life. It indicates the amount of learning one must amass in the form of personal experiences known as 'sacrifices'.

Spiritual, intuitive and sensitive, you hate noise, disturbances and hustle and bustle. You are an expert on human nature and love learning new skills. Life though, often throws you many obstacles to overcome.

The 7 name number person often ends up teaching others more than they may learn themselves. They need solitude and their own space, and can often find it a little difficult 'fitting in'. 7's are well aware and reach their special life purpose and goals. They also have natural healing abilities.

7 is a number of the 'mind' and people with the energy of the number 7 are quite often ‘loners’ and their mission in life is to learn to have faith, always.

The 7's have a love of natural beauty such as flowers, plants, oceans, seas and lakes etc. Trips to the ocean and nature adventures are important to regenerate the 7 vibration as the peaceful surrounds of nature give 7 people the opportunity to be in touch with the mystical side of their lives and themselves.

7 name number people have an air of mystery about them and they do not want anyone to know too much about them. They often come off as aloof and withdrawn and it is often difficult to figure out what they are thinking and feeling at any given moment as they keep to themselves and are quite introspective. Number 7 people can shut themselves off, and make you feel that they are not remotely interested in what you are doing or saying – but in reality, they are the ultimate observers – they don't miss a trick.

The number 7 vibration must continue studying the quest of why they are here as 7 asks the big questions. The number 7 symbolizes humanity's deep inner-need to find depth, meaning and spiritual connection. When the needs of food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, the 7 energy turns to the deeper levels of life  -  to learn, to educate themselves and to find purpose. 7 is an investigator and inventor and this energy must have solitude in which to be able to hear their inner-voice.

Number 7's tend to be 'different', eccentric, or loners, and are very discerning and discriminating in all areas. Name number 7 individuals have great wisdom, with strong intuition, clairvoyant and psychic abilities. 7's are never satisfied until they can link the known with the unknown, and this leads to a great deal of research, analysis and investigation.

The 7 energy is the perfectionist and the thinker. They are urged to investigate the deeper things in life. Knowledge and wisdom are their goals, and their quick intelligence and inquiring mind leads them to investigate many areas.

ame number 7 people demand a lot of themselves and others due to their extremely high standards. These people need to spend a lot of time on their own to reflect, meditate and work and they are very independent and introspective, and do not always like to join in with others. They often prefer to remain behind the scenes where they can freely roam. The calm, serene and quiet presence of the number 7 energy keeps these people in the background, and it would be easy for them to become a recluse. They do not like to mix with the crowd and can give the appearance of being distant and aloof. Many number 7's build a wall of protective reserve around themselves as they do not want their world filled with lots of people, but prefer a few close, intimate associations who are of their choosing.

The finer things in life are important to the name number 7 person, and they are discriminating about their wants and needs. They prefer the best and will be selective of home, environment, possessions and quality of relationships. They are selective in diet, food and habits, and with self-control they adhere to their own values of correct eating and nutrition in general.

The mental ability and sensitivity of the name number 7 person gives them the opportunity to develop their intuitive, clairvoyant and psychic gifts and abilities. The 7 is aware of the spiritual side of life and knows that without turning into their inner resources, their outer world is not at peace. The deeper they delve, the more they learn to trust their intuition, and to have faith and trust that the more they will reach the higher levels of their wisdom. 7's are interested in phenomena, the unexplainable, the supernatural and the spiritual aspects of life.


See more: Lucky Number Daily

See more: Finding Your Name Number
