Find Lucky Number 11 based on Name Numerology Calculator

Find Lucky Number 11 based on Name Numerology Calculator

The number of the name 11 gives decisiveness, strength and vitality to common sense, thoroughness, which helps a person to rise truly to inspirational heights. But then again everything can change, an excessive precaution or complacency of the number 2 will again disrupt the activity of the number 11 and everything will start all over again. The people of number 11 are completely immersed in themselves and live in the world of their inner insights, and therefore do not always understand the true properties and needs of others. Sometimes it can be said that such people love their own ideals more than their neighbors. However, these are strong personalities, very energetic and courageous, convinced of the rightness and significance of their mission and ready to make any sacrifices for it. Name number 11 - This is the number of a truly great person, combining in his almost superhuman personality all the best qualities of other numbers: powerful unit energy, persuasiveness of two, brilliance of three, solidity of four, flexibility of five, balance and harmony of six, business skills of the eight characteristic of the nine devotion to the good of mankind, as well as characteristic of the number 11 visionary and awareness of its mission.

How To Calculate Name Number?

  • Write your full name and match each alphabet with the corresponding numerical value given in the chart below.
  • Now add each number and find out the total value.
  • If the total value has more than one digit then add these digits furthermore until you get a single digit.
  • The only exceptions are 11 and 22 as these are considered the Master Numbers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  

Example To Identify Your Number

If your name is Ram Singh, it decodes to 9+1+4 1+9+5+7+8

=44 =4+4


Your number is 8

Name Number: 11

The number 11 is the first of the Master Numbers, and as a Master Number is not usually reduced down to a single numeral. The Master Number 11 name vibration is of the super-intellect or genius, also regarded as a lucky person. It represents 'transformation'.

Name Number 11 - Decisiveness and Initiative

The number name 11 indicates an initiative, usually absent in the vibration of the number 2, to which it is reduced. Also 11 enhances the resolve that is missing in the number 2. The rest of the difference between them practically does not exist. You can achieve a lot: for this you have all the necessary qualities. You are strong, resolute, active and very stubborn. Thanks to determination and common sense you can reach unprecedented heights. But do not forget that your number is also a “deuce”, which can destroy the inspiration of number 11 by excessive complacency and can greatly interfere with your career.

Name Number 11 - Energy and Conviction

11 is the highest plan of the number 9, therefore the advantages and disadvantages of the representatives of these two numbers are similar. The people of number 11 are completely immersed in themselves and live in the world of their inner insights, and therefore do not always understand the true properties and needs of others. Sometimes it can be said that such people love their own ideals more than their neighbors. However, these are strong personalities, very energetic and courageous, convinced of the rightness and significance of their mission and ready to make any sacrifices for it.


Number 11 is a high vibration and needs to stay centred and balanced at all times as there is a tendency to sway from high to low, quickly. The high energy of the 11 will require some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through ones own profession or some charitable inspirational leader as this number represents.

11 is an idealist in that they can see the bigger picture through revelations and intuition. Number 11 draws on the cosmic forces for inspiration and enlightenment, through pronounced intuitive and psychic abilities. They must, however, avoid getting involved in the 'nit-picking' tendencies of the number 2 vibration. The 11 name number person must remember to set an example for others to learn from.

The Master Number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. 11 colours everything with drama, has a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity and 'sparkling' qualities. The 11 energy is not truly practical, but its contribution is in its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness. These avant-garde and visionary individuals make great
students, psychics, mystics, healers, teachers, writers, musicians and artists.

The 11/2 is required to live in the truth which is revealed through life's lessons and will find the most rewarding opportunities come through living and teaching truth as they see it; the truths gained through life experience.

The 11/2 can be intense and at times electrifying. They can have trouble with nervousness because the 11 is a highly intense vibration, yet at the same time, 11/2's have great courage and are highly creative. When drawing on cosmic knowledge through their intuitive abilities, 11/2's can be inspirational leaders.

If an 11/2 does not respond to the higher vibration, they will work at the lower vibration of 2 and be in a position of supporting others, rather than be a leader themselves. When the 11/2 learns to live with faith, then inner-peace will be found. Above all else the 11/2 is born to lead and to bring spiritual truths to people as the Master Teacher.


See more: Lucky Number Daily

See more: Finding Your Name Number
