Find Lucky Number 1 based on Name Numerology Calculator

Find Lucky Number 1 based on Name Numerology Calculator

According to Numerology, every name emits a different vibration which is determined by the numbers assigned to the letters in the name. The sound effect of a name produces certain meanings, patterns, and expectations. The first name of a person tells their thought process and personality, while the surname determines the heredity influence of family. The combination of both uncovers the true meaning, which is considered for your name meaning.

The name numerology will not only help you identify your life in general but also what kind of things and people you will attract in life. It also provides an insight into the favorable and unfavorable outcomes in life, along with your lucky aspects and general life predictions.

How To Calculate Name Number?

  • Write your full name and match each alphabet with the corresponding numerical value given in the chart below.
  • Now add each number and find out the total value.
  • If the total value has more than one digit then add these digits furthermore until you get a single digit.
  • The only exceptions are 11 and 22 as these are considered the Master Numbers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  

Example To Identify Your Number

If your name is Ram Singh, it decodes to 9+1+4 1+9+5+7+8

=44 =4+4


Your number is 8!

Name Number: 1

The number of name 1 means a person full of energy and desire to act. It is of great benefit when acting in a momentary, immediate setting, in situations of sudden and unexpected, less - in planned situations. Strong events and profitable business are strictly contraindicated. Best of all - to perform the assigned tasks. With the number 1 is associated confidence in their abilities and capabilities, such concepts as courage and bravery. But the nature of these people is more imitative than creative. They know how to earn money and spend. Rash decisions should be avoided. The number of Name 1 is characterized by extreme constancy of purpose and unshakable striving for success on the chosen path. They are purposeful and, as a rule, set themselves only one important task, to which they devote all their strength. These are strong personalities: they are optimistic, stubborn, arrogant, ambitious and aggressive, ready to defend their opinions at any cost and to assert their case.

Name Number 1 - Lead

You are a leader by nature, independent and individual. Extremely ambitious, uncommon and fearless. Apply new, unconventional methods. You are a researcher and innovator. Responsiveness to numerous side effects limits and disappoints you. You are self-confident, arrogant and active. Strength and perseverance are the main components of your success. You want to be at the forefront of life, avoiding defeat. Have a huge stock of will, aimed at achieving the goal. Do not surrender, but inexorably move to the cherished goal.

Name Number 1 - Arrogance and Selfishness

You are very self-willed. Your strong personality either attracts or pushes people away. You have a great ability to concentrate and to see the goal, thereby making the goal more accessible. You are upholding your own beliefs, firmly on your own. All these abilities increase your chance of success. You have an inclination towards selfishness. You can be decisive, and in extreme cases very stubborn. Easily criticize others by complaining that your determination is not peculiar to them. Lack of understanding can alienate friends and family members from you. You should control these qualities to maintain a harmonious relationship. Pride can be a vice. You are able to identify yourself with goals and desires so that sometimes you do not notice weak points in your plans. You have the strength and determination through which you can achieve great success in any endeavor.


You have the subliminal desire to win that goes very deep; you’re naturally competitive; has great potential to manifest success and money luck; natural leadership qualities; strong-willed; purposeful; free spirited; hardworking; essentially individuals with independent views; self-motivating; have good business brains; impatient; strong self-confidence.

The natives belonging to the Numerology Number 1 are natural leaders and they love to work in the environment that brings out their creative side. They are visionaries and set an example for others with their determination. The only people who might feel agitated while working with you are the ones that can’t keep up with your goals and perfectionist attitude.

Careers best suited for the Numerology Number 1 natives- Military, Politics, Preacher, Astrology, Law, and Entrepreneur.

Love Compatibility

The people belonging to the Numerology Number 1 are perfectionists and it sometimes might become overwhelming for the people around them to meet with their expectations. So, we advise these natives to keep an open mind and allow others time to prove their worth. Also, there natives are outspoken, so they must go for someone who doesn’t take things too seriously and is not the sensitive kind.

Numerology Number One will be best compatible with number 3, who is light-hearted and can handle the serious number 1, and number 5, whose adventurous nature will complement that of number 1!


See more: Lucky Number Daily

See more: Finding Your Name Number
